Dear SADE and SADE-ESGE dual members
SADE is pleased to announce the SADE grant for 2025.
This grant is exclusive for SADE and SADE-ESGE dual members, and the aim is to inspire research and cooperation in endoscopy between the Nordic countries.
We encourage young doctors and trainees who do research or work in the endoscopy field to apply. We accept open applications in PDF on one A4 page, which can be sent to
The SADE education committee (Søren Meisner and Urban Arnello) will decide the winner(s).
The SADE grant may be used to cover expenses for:
1) a visit to an endoscopy center in another Nordic country to learn new procedures
2) expenses related to a research project in endoscopy
3) participation in a Nordic endoscopy meeting
The size of the grants will depend on the amount available to SADE for the current year.
For 2025, the grant is until 1000-1500 Euros for 1-2 winners.
The winners of the SADE grant will be announced at the yearly SADE meetings, which will take place from January 16 to 17, 2025, in Copenhagen.
SADE may assist applicants in contacting Nordic endoscopy centers to plan educational stays and learn new techniques.
The application deadline for 2025 term is 31.12.24
Good luck